Best Inferno Strains for a Hot Massachusetts Summer

Inferno Cannabis in Summer Heat

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Hey, what do you have planned for summer? The sunshiny season brings New Englanders out in droves to chill on the beach, catch a round or two of golf, or soak up the sun. But sometimes, summer in MA leads to some less-than-desirable situations. It’s all good, though. You know Inferno Cannabis has got your back. Check out all the best Inferno strains for your Massachusetts summer below.

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Inferno Cannabis Jar in Grass

Sunburned to lobster level … eh, it happens!

  • Strain: Wedding Pie
  • Type: Indica
  • Terps: Pinene, Linalool, Bisabolol
  • Potency: 25% – 30% THC

Maybe you passed out on the beach and woke up red as a lobster. Perhaps you got a little too excited about catching a game at Fenway and left your sunscreen at home. Either way, if you’ve got a sunburn, Inferno Wedding Pie is all you need in your feel-better collection. This Indica-dominant strain mellows the mind and body with its high dose of THC and more than three percent CBD. You may still look like a steamed lobster (sorry—can’t help ya there, bud!), but this strain will have you feeling dreamy and chill.

Smoking cannabis and mowing the lawn

Make mowing the lawn more interesting.

  • Strain: Elvis
  • Type: Sativa
  • Terps: Limonene, Beta-Caryophyllene, Myrcene
  • Potency: 27% – 30% THC

It’s a summer chore no one really looks forward to: mowing the lawn. Sometimes, Mass even gets hit by one of those freak rainy summers when you get to mow even more than usual. If you just can’t bear the dull monotony of making circles or stripes with the mower until the job’s done, invite Elvis along for the ride. This cannabis strain always puts on a good show, even in the most mundane circumstances. Elvis is known for serving up creative energy and philosophical thoughts, so you may end up etching a snazzy new pattern onto your lawn.

Discgolf chain basket sits empty on the golf course.

Sore muscles after too many rounds of golf or disc golf?

  • Strain: Superboof
  • Type: Indica
  • Terps: Pinene, Linalool, Bisabolol
  • Potency: 28% – 30% THC

Your golf game left you feeling like you’ve been wrestling a bear. No worries, my friend. Enter Superboof: the secret weapon against both sore muscles and your friend’s bragging rights. A few hits of this and you won’t care at all that you missed the putt on the 18th hole or your disc hit the pond and lost you the game. Superboof delivers an intense level of chill and runs the show with giggly energy. You can kick back, forget your aching joints, and make big plans for how you’ll beef up your golf strategy the next go-around.

Smoking weed and walking your dog

Hot Massachusetts summer leave you thirsty?

  • Strain: Crostata
  • Type: Hybrid
  • Terps: Pinene, Myrcene, Limonene
  • Potency: 24% – 30% THC

The dead middle of summer in Massachusetts isn’t always mild and easy-does-it. The summer sun can be brutal, and the mercury can get crazy high. If you’re looking forward to kicking back at the end of a hot day with a cold drink, grab an eighth or two of Inferno Crostata at the dispensary. This kick-back strain is sweet and berry-infused, so it goes well with a cold glass of whatever you choose. The buzz is a laid-back vibe that leaves you happy and at ease with it all.

Enjoying cannabis outdoors

Backyard barbecue you really don’t want to attend?

  • Strain: Grapes & Cream
  • Type: Hybrid
  • Terps: Pinene, Linalool, Bisabolol
  • Potency: 28% – 31%

People in Massachusetts like to pull together in the summer and throw down, but sometimes those backyard barbecue invitations are not anything you’re looking forward to. Jim Bob down the street or Uncle Joe is hosting his annual backyard barbecue, sure to be filled with bad jokes, awkward silences, and charred mystery meat. Grapes & Cream swings in with its chill vibes, though, and you’ll be golden. Best of all, this strain will have you seeing awkward silences as a moment for your mind to take flight and the mystery meat as utterly mouthwatering.

Make your summer the best yet with Inferno Cannabis

Make your summer the best yet with Inferno Cannabis. Our library of strains has something for every situation, and, as always, you can bet on everything we grow at Inferno being absolute fire. Visit our store locator page to find Inferno near you and stock up on the perfect strains to elevate your Massachusetts summer.

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